
Lawyer and “fit mom” goes viral and appreciates support after derogatory video against her – Trends

After a woman posted a video criticizing her way of dressing, Vanessa Medina received multiple expressions of affection and went viral on social networks, which had several posts defending her and also expressing admiration for the “discipline and dedication with who carries on his lifestyle.

“For people like that they make me want to change my son’s school, disgusting,” said the mother had mentioned while recording Vanessa with her cell phone, who was leaving her son in an educational unit.

The repercussions were not long in coming. One of them came with a publication by her sister Sarah Medina in which she highlighted her effort and dedication as a lawyer and the effort involved in maintaining her physical condition.

“I wanted to express myself by thanking all the people who sent me their support through little messages, showing affection and appreciation with such beautiful words, defending myself on social networks for the video that went viral with a bad design towards me, that mother He did wanting to denigrate me, expressing himself with such contempt towards me and exposing my 4-year-old son without knowing that this is a crime,” Vanessa said on her Facebook.

“His plans did not go as he would have wanted, he had the worst intentions by uploading it and exposing me and referring to me like that. But this post is not to talk about that woman, it is to thank all those little people who were by my side, my beautiful family , friends and people who don’t know me showed me their support and people who uploaded photos, videos, images of me saying things that made me fill my eyes with tears of happiness, I knew that there are more good, empathetic people with love in their hearts. I am a Fit Mommy who works and I take care of my son with all the love in the world (…)”, she added.

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Televisa and Univisión merge and Marcelo Claure is the vice president of the Board of Directors – Tendencias